Monday, October 8, 2007


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned wich mirer was concave and plane and convexst

At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned what mirror would go where allso what convex and concave.

At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned bent in (concave) mirrors makes you upside down and bent out (convex) mirrors make you see evrything.

me and mires

At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned 3 differnt tipe of mirors they are plane, concave and convex.


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned that the mirrors are different kinds.

(typed by Rachel)


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned That a concave mens when you look in to it you will be up side down and a con vixe minse you will be the rite way up.

at bedazzled

At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned that wnen you pot a mirror hafie wayi araoad the you can see the uthe sid

At the mirrors.

At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned about concave and convex mirrors.


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learneld nomel miris ar bac to thrunt


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned all about the difrent types miros

at bedazzled

At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned you can see your self.


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned that same miris mack you fat and same mmack you sckine. and same mack you smoll and same mack you toll.


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned alot like big and saml merss.


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned alot like cone cav miris and smil miris.


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned about drefint tips of moris. It was cool how some moved up and down. They made your bode look wead. there were 2 tips of moris concave and convixs.I had fun!!


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned That there are convex meres and concav meres. Thay can make you look funny. It was cool.


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned that mirrors can make your fase go all wobble.


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned that mirrors can change your shape and are cool.


At the Bedazzled exhibition I learned that mirrors can do lots of cool things like they can makeyou big and little.